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Heating System Upgrades: When to Replace HVAC Systems

Subdivision in winter, houses and driveways covered in snow.


Every homeowner likes to have a cozy home in the winter – and this means the temperature should be nice and warm, even if there is a cold snap going on outside. 


This is where the heating system component of an HVAC system is so valuable. However, if there are issues with the heating system, such as if it is running more often than usual, isn’t heating to a consistent temperature throughout a space, things can get uncomfortable and expensive quite quickly. 


Thankfully, there are solutions. 


In this blog, we’re examining the major benefits of getting a heating system upgrade. We are also looking at the various signs that indicate an HVAC system replacement may be just around the corner. 


Do not hesitate to contact us for any of your HVAC needs, including an HVAC system upgrade or replacement. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out



Benefits of a Heating System Upgrade 

Although running an older HVAC system can work to keep your home at a comfortable temperature and increase air quality, provided it is still within its useful life, there are key benefits to upgrading to the latest HVAC system


Here are details on the most common and substantial benefits of heating system upgrades


Energy Efficiency 

When you have an upgraded heating system, it does not have to work as hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature or to maintain its air quality. This can have a couple different impacts.  


One is that since the system is using less energy and power, your utility bills are likely going to get lower – saving on costs. Additionally, updated HVAC systems operating at peak efficiency are also quite beneficial for the environment – they do not add to pollution nearly as much. 


Comfortable Indoor Environment 

When HVAC systems have to work harder to heat, cool, or ventilate, inconsistencies can begin to arise. For instance, during the cold winter months, an older HVAC system may heat certain rooms more than others, creating cold spots. In the summer, homes can be hotter than they should be with an air condition unit running.  


However, upgraded heating and HVAC systems, as mentioned, run more efficiently. This helps them create a comfortable indoor environment much easier than older systems. In other words, their performance is increased



The longer an HVAC system goes without being updated, the more likely it is that the accompanying warranty will expire. An expired HVAC warranty means that any repairs or maintenance must be paid for out of pocket, which can get quite expensive, especially for older systems.  


Updating your HVAC system according to the recommended schedule can help keep the warranty valid. Thus, as you would expect, the cost of necessary repairs and replacement would be covered – leaving fewer out of pocket expenses for homeowners. 


Healthier Air 

Maintaining and updating your heating system regularly can significantly improve indoor air quality. For instance, updates may upgrade the air filters in your home. An updated system also performs tasks like removing pollutants and allergens more efficiently. Thus, occupants breathe more clearly and don’t tend to sneeze (or get sick) nearly as much. 


Extended Useful Life 

Updating your HVAC system on a consistent schedule helps extend its useful life. This may mean that instead of lasting for 10 years, an HVAC system could last for 20 years with proper maintenance and updating. Thus, homeowners can delay the cost of an HVAC system replacement. 


Peace of Mind 

Keeping up with the necessary upgrades and maintenance can provide significant peace of mind to homeowners. This is because there is less worry about an unexpected repair bill coming up – or an expensive one, for that matter.  


It also provides comfort in knowing the HVAC system will function the way it is intended, which means no abnormally hot days because the air conditioning has failed or cold spots in the winter because something is wrong with the furnace. 



Signs You Need an HVAC System Replacement 

Every HVAC system, no matter how good it is, will eventually need to be replaced, just like any other system or home appliance. It is a good idea to replace your HVAC system before it stops working completely. Thus, the questions stands: 


How do you know when you need an HVAC system replacement? 


Here are details on just some of the common signs you may need to replace your HVAC system sooner rather than later: 


Unusual Noises 

Most HVAC systems will make some kind of sound when they start up and shut down. The sound is often quite low and can even go unnoticed if you are not paying attention.  


Woman sitting on couch looking concerned, taking her headphones off to hear a noise.


However, many sounds are not normal. Unusual or loud sounds to watch out for include: 


  • whistling,  
  • banging,  
  • grinding,  
  • screeching, and  
  • thuds. 


Hearing these can indicate several potential issues with your HVAC system, such as a loose part. Of course, in some instances, the sounds may mean that a replacement is on the horizon. 


Unpleasant Smells 

Unpleasant smells coming from your HVAC system can be a sign of significant issues. Must odors, for instance, can be a sign that mold or mildew is growing within the ductwork. This, thankfully, can often be rectified with professional duct cleaning. However, certain smells can be signs of a serious HVAC issue that can result in a replacement. Examples of this include the smell of melting plastic or burning metal


No matter the smell, however, it is vital to have an experienced HVAC technician take a look at your HVAC system to appropriately diagnose the issue at hand. 


High Energy Bills 

A well-functioning HVAC system should help reduce the energy bill you receive every month. Thus, if you are suddenly receiving high energy bills that do not line up with the temperatures outside your home, you HVAC system may be working much harder than it should. Remember, the less efficient your HVAC system is, the higher your energy bill is going to be.  


An HVAC system that is working much more than it should will require more repairs. These repairs will happen more frequently as well. The cost or frequency of HVAC repairs can get to be too much, which is when an HVAC system replacement will be necessary. 


Age of HVAC System 

The length of time your HVAC system is supposed to last can vary. It depends on the quality of the HVAC installation as well as how well you have been taking care of it. Thus, an HVAC system that has had regular maintenance appointments should last a lot longer than one that only gets emergency HVAC repairs.  


However, if you have an older HVAC system, such as one that is 12 years old and repairs are starting to pop up more often, it may be worth simply getting the whole system replaced. 


Rising Cost of Maintenance 

At a certain point, you may find that you are spending more and more money to maintain your HVAC system. This means the replacement parts are costing more and more costly repairs are starting to happen, among other things. When this happens, the need for an HVAC system replacement is likely just around the corner. 


Increased Frequency of HVAC Repairs 

As has been mentioned several times in the other signs, a clear indicator that you may be in need of an HVAC system replacement is that you’re dealing with an increased frequency of HVAC repairs. For instance, you may find that instead of an annual HVAC maintenance appointment, you are calling for repairs every few months because something is wrong with your system. 


Inconsistent Temperatures 

If your HVAC system cannot maintain a consistent temperature throughout the entirety of your home, you may need to replace your HVAC system. This is because two reasons for inconsistent temperatures include an HVAC system that is either too large or too small for the home, or one with older technology.  


In both cases, the only way to rectify the issue of inconsistent temperatures is to update (replace) the HVAC system to one that is both the right size for you home and one with newer technology. Both will allow the HVAC system to work efficiently and provide one consistent temperature throughout your home. 


System Won’t Turn Off 

If you want to, your HVAC system should be capable of turning off. Think about it this way: when there is a cold snap in the winter, your HVAC heating system is likely going to be running more to keep your home at a nice and cozy temperature. However, if it keeps running and won’t turn off after the cold snap has passed, you may have a problem.


It could be a sign that the unit: 


  • doesn’t have the same capacity anymore, 
  • needs complete cleaning, 
  • has to be rebuilt, or 
  • the compressor is malfunctioning. 


The added costs of an HVAC system that cannot turn off will eventually become too much to handle – thus, if this happens and simple fixes aren’t working, you may need to replace the whole system. 



Ready To Upgrade?  

If you’re beginning to see even one of the issues discussed above more and more often lately, or if you are dealing with another HVAC issue, you should call an HVAC professional and book an appointment


A licensed HVAC technician can thoroughly examine your entire HVAC system and diagnose the underlying problem you have. They can also recommend whether it is worth repairing your system, upgrading it, or if you need to get an HVAC system replacement. 


Do not hesitate to contact us for any of your HVAC needs, including an HVAC system upgrade or replacement. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out




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Improving Energy Efficiency Through HVAC System UpgradesĀ 

Man sitting in living room while drinking matcha. Plant filled living room in the background.


Energy efficiency is a critical consideration when it comes to modernizing and optimizing your living spaces. In this age of environmental consciousness and rising energy costs, the efficiency of our Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems plays a pivotal role in minimizing energy consumption, reducing carbon emissions, and ultimately, saving money


HVAC systems are at the heart of maintaining indoor comfort, yet they can also be one of the biggest contributors to energy consumption in homes and commercial buildings. They work tirelessly to provide spaces with comfortable temperatures year-round, but without proper optimization, they can become energy hogs, significantly impacting both your environment and your wallet


The purpose of this blog post is to delve into the world of HVAC system upgrades and explore the diverse range of solutions available to enhance energy efficiency. We'll unravel the complexities of these upgrades and discuss how each one contributes to creating a more sustainable and cost-effective approach to indoor climate control. 


Whether you're a homeowner seeking ways to lower your monthly utility bills or a business owner looking to lessen your environmental footprint, this post will serve as a comprehensive guide to making informed decisions about improving your HVAC systems


As always, our highly-skilled team is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re still unsure about how to go about upgrading your HVAC system.  



Understanding Energy Efficiency in HVAC Systems 

Energy efficiency, in the context of HVAC systems, refers to the ability of these systems to provide optimal heating, cooling, and ventilation while using the least amount of energy possible. It's about achieving the desired indoor comfort levels while minimizing energy waste


As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change, finding ways to reduce energy consumption is a global imperative. Energy-efficient HVAC systems play a crucial role in this effort, as they directly contribute to lowering greenhouse gas emissions and conserving valuable resources


  • Reducing Energy Consumption: Energy-efficient HVAC systems are designed to operate with advanced technologies and smart controls to adjust heating and cooling output according to the actual needs of the space. By reducing the energy consumed, bills are lowered, and the strain on local energy grids is minimized. 
  • Environmental Impact: HVAC systems, especially those that rely on traditional energy sources, can contribute significantly to carbon emissions and environmental degradation. Energy-efficient upgrades lessen this impact by using energy more intelligently, decreasing the demand for fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.  



Common Challenges with Conventional HVAC Systems 

Conventional HVAC systems, while effective in providing indoor comfort, often come with a set of limitations and inefficiencies that can have far-reaching consequences. Understanding these drawbacks is crucial in recognizing the need for upgrades to improve energy efficiency. 


  • Limitations and Inefficiencies: Outdated HVAC systems often lack modern energy-efficient features, operating continuously at a fixed output, resulting in energy wastage and discomfort due to insufficient temperature adjustments. 
  • Energy Wastage: Inefficient components, outdated control mechanisms, and lack of smart sensors can cause the system to overwork, resulting in unnecessary energy consumption. This not only drives up energy bills but also contributes to higher carbon emissions, negatively impacting the environment. 
  • High Utility Bills: Energy wastage due to inefficiencies directly translates into higher utility bills for homeowners and businesses. As these systems consume more energy than needed, energy bills can quickly become a financial burden, especially during peak heating or cooling seasons.  
  • Environmental Impact: The excessive energy use of these systems contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and speeds up climate change.  
  • Strain on Resources: In areas with high energy demand, the inefficient operation of HVAC systems can strain local energy grids. This can lead to power outages, higher energy costs for the community, and increased demand for non-renewable energy sources



Key Benefits of Energy-Efficient HVAC Upgrades 

Upgrading your HVAC system to enhance energy efficiency offers a range of compelling benefits that extend beyond just financial savings. These upgrades can make a significant impact on your quality of life, your environmental footprint, and the overall sustainability of your living or working space.


Smart thermostat control on wall at 72 degrees.


Here’s how:  


  • Lower Energy Bills: By optimizing your system to use energy more intelligently, you can expect to see a noticeable decrease in your monthly energy bills. Upgrades like programmable thermostats, smart controls, and high-efficiency components ensure that your HVAC system operates only when necessary. 
  • Reduced Carbon Footprint: Energy-efficient upgrades contribute to a greener and more sustainable future by lowering your carbon footprint. By consuming less energy, you indirectly decrease the demand for fossil fuels. 
  • Enhanced Indoor Comfort: Energy-efficient HVAC upgrades improve the quality of your indoor environment. High-efficiency systems provide better and more consistent heating, cooling, and ventilation, ensuring that your space remains comfortable year-round.  
  • Extended Equipment Lifespan: Efficiency upgrades often involve replacing worn-out or outdated components with newer, more efficient ones. When your HVAC system operates efficiently and experiences less strain, it's likely to require fewer repairs and replacements, saving you both money and the hassle of frequent maintenance. 
  • Increased Property Value: Energy-efficient features are becoming increasingly attractive to potential homebuyers and tenants. An upgraded HVAC system is an appealing selling point for real estate. 
  • Eligibility for Incentives: Many governments and utility companies offer incentives and rebates for adopting energy-efficient practices. Upgrading your HVAC system could make you eligible for financial incentives, further reducing the cost of your upgrades and encouraging environmentally conscious choices. 
  • Future-Proofing Your Space: As energy efficiency regulations become stricter and energy costs continue to rise, having an energy-efficient HVAC system in place positions you well for the future. By proactively embracing these upgrades, you're investing in a system that will remain relevant and efficient for years to come



Types of HVAC System Upgrades for Energy Efficiency 

There are a number of HVAC system upgrades you can install for increased energy efficiency. Each upgrade addresses specific challenges and contributes to a holistic approach to energy conservation, reducing your carbon footprint and improving your overall quality of life. 


  • Thermostat Upgrades: Programmable and smart thermostats play a pivotal role in optimizing energy consumption. Programmable thermostats allow you to set schedules for heating and cooling, ensuring that your HVAC system operates only when needed. Smart thermostats take this a step further by learning your preferences and adjusting settings automatically.  
  • High-Efficiency Air Filters: Upgrading to high-efficiency air filters improves both indoor air quality and energy efficiency. These filters capture more pollutants and allergens, ensuring cleaner air in your living or working space. By preventing debris from clogging your HVAC system, high-efficiency filters help maintain optimal airflow, reducing strain on the system and ensuring it operates efficiently. 
  • Regular Maintenance: Routine HVAC system maintenance is a cornerstone of energy efficiency. Regular check-ups and servicing help identify and address issues early, preventing energy waste and breakdowns. We recently wrote an entire blog post on this topic, so be sure to read it here.
  • Ductwork Sealing and Insulation: Leaky ducts can lead to significant energy loss as conditioned air escapes before reaching its intended destination. Sealing and insulating ducts prevent this wastage, ensuring that the air you pay to heat or cool actually reaches your living or working spaces.  
  • Zoning Systems: HVAC zoning involves dividing your space into distinct zones, each with its own thermostat and separate temperature control. This targeted approach allows you to heat or cool only the areas in use, avoiding energy consumption in unoccupied spaces. We’ve also covered this topic on our blog, so learn more about it here.
  • Pump Installation: Heat pumps are highly efficient alternatives to traditional heating and cooling systems. They work by transferring heat between the indoors and outdoors, providing both heating in winter and cooling in summer. Learn more about heat pumps and their advantages here.



Steps to Plan HVAC System Upgrades 

Embarking on HVAC system upgrades requires careful planning to ensure you make informed decisions that align with your goals and budget.


Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process: 


  1. Assess Current System Performance: Start by evaluating your current HVAC system's performance. Note any inefficiencies, discomfort, or high energy bills. Determine the system's age, condition, and the extent of its compatibility with energy-efficient upgrades. 
  2. Set a Budget: Establish a realistic budget for your upgrades. Factor in costs for equipment, installation, and potential additional expenses. Be sure to account for long-term savings resulting from energy efficiency improvements. 
  3. Research Energy-Efficient Upgrades: Explore the range of upgrades available. Consider options like smart thermostats, air filters, maintenance plans, duct sealing, zoning systems, and heat pumps. Research the benefits and costs associated with each upgrade to determine which aligns with your needs. 
  4. Prioritize Upgrades: Prioritize upgrades based on their potential impact, your budget, and immediate needs. Address critical issues first, such as leaky ducts or malfunctioning components, before considering enhancements for comfort and energy savings. 
  5. Consult Professionals: Engage with HVAC professionals to assess your system and provide expert recommendations. Their insights can help you make informed decisions, ensuring that your chosen upgrades are compatible and effective. Give us a call or send us an email here.
  6. Consider Long-Term Savings: Evaluate the long-term savings each upgrade can provide. Calculate potential energy cost reductions and compare them to the initial investment. Some upgrades might have higher upfront costs but offer substantial savings over time. 
  7. Choose Eco-Friendly Options: Opt for eco-friendly upgrades that align with your commitment to sustainability. Energy-efficient options not only benefit your finances but also contribute to a greener future. 
  8. Plan Installation Timing: Coordinate with HVAC professionals to schedule installation at an appropriate time. Some upgrades might be more suitable during certain seasons. Proper planning can minimize disruption to your comfort. 
  9. Monitor and Optimize: Once upgrades are installed, consistently monitor their performance and energy consumption. Make necessary adjustments based on your experience and feedback from HVAC experts. 
  10. Explore Incentives and Rebates: Research available incentives and rebates offered by governments or utility companies for energy-efficient upgrades. These can significantly reduce your initial investment and increase the overall value of your project. 



Final Thoughts 

At Advance Heating and Cooling, we have one goal — to empower our customers to make energy-efficient choices for their homes and workplaces through optimized HVAC systems. Energy consumption is both a global imperative and a community effort. Every effort matters in reducing carbon emissions and in turn, lowering living costs.  


Hand turning dial with a home icon on it representing energy efficient homes.


This blog post serves as a tool to have on hand when you’re ready to upgrade your HVAC systems to operate more efficiently. As always, our highly-skilled team is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re still unsure about how to go about upgrading your HVAC system.  




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Vincent Afrouzi
Name: Vincent Afrouzi
Posts: 57
Last Post: July 10, 2024