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Signs Your Water Heater Needs AttentionĀ 

Woman putting clothes in washing machine, smiling at daughter folding laundry.


Whether it is washing dishes in hot water, taking a warm shower in the cold winter, or even washing clothing – everyone uses their water heater every single day. Most of us take our water heaters for granted and do not even think about how much we use them. 


However, water heaters deserve attention. 


In today’s blog post, we will dive into detail on exactly why an efficient water heater is so important for homeowners, tips on water heater maintenance, as well as information on the signs that indicate your water heater needs attention. 


Do not hesitate to contact us for any of your HVAC or basic plumbing needs, including water heater maintenance and repairs. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out



Why is an efficient water heater important? 

Hot water is a vital component of life – which means that every household can greatly benefit from having a working water heater. Of course, an efficient water heater is even more important. Here are some of the most common reasons that answer the question of precisely why an efficient water heater is so important: 


Quick Temperature Regulation 

Different tasks that require the use of water may not always need it at the same temperature. For instance, while you may need cold water for washing certain clothing items, you need hot water to effectively clean dishes. This helps demonstrate one of the important benefits of an efficient water heater: quick temperature regulation. Switching from cool water to warm or hot in only a few seconds is key to accomplishing many tasks around the home. 


Energy and Cost Savings 

An inefficient water heater can take longer to get your water to the temperature it needs to be at. Unfortunately, when this happens, it requires more energy. Increased energy use can significantly drive up the cost of utility bills. As such, ensuring you have an efficient water heater in your home can help promote both energy and cost savings over time. 


Reduced Water Waste 

An efficient water heater means the water will reach the required temperature faster. Some of the other benefits of this have already been discussed, but here is another one: reduced water waste. Yes, water is still used. However, when water reaches the necessary temperature faster, it can be turned off sooner, which ultimately means less water is being wasted


For instance, imagine waiting only a few seconds for the water in your shower to reach a comfortable warm-to-hot temperature rather than a few minutes. This means you can hop in the shower faster, ultimately get out sooner, and turn the water off. 


Reliable Access to Water 

An efficient water heater can provide reliable access to water. This means several things, including not worrying about: 


  • having water hot enough to effectively clean dishes
  • having hot water for showers, and 
  • waiting a long time for water to boil on the stove because you had to use cold water. 



Tips for Water Heater Maintenance 

Although water heaters can work fairly well for a decade or so without much attention at all, engaging in water heater maintenance on a regular basis can help extend the tank’s lifespan significantly. Here are some key tips for water heater maintenance every homeowner should consider: 


Insulate Pipes and Tank 

Water heaters and the connecting pipes can perform significantly better if they have adequate insulation. Thankfully, insulating the pipes and water heater tank is fairly simple to do – even a water heater blanket can help. The insulation makes it easier for the water heater to heat up the water, which can help save money and energy over time. This benefit is especially magnified, and this aspect of maintenance is especially important, if the water heater is in a cool or drafty location in the home. Insulation helps prevent heat loss from the tank. 


Check for Leaks Regularly 

One of the most important tasks to include in water heater maintenance is to check for leaks regularly. It is important to check for leaks in several areas, including: 


  • around the tank itself, 
  • around any visible pipes, and 
  • under every sink in the home. 


Checking for leaks regularly can help detect potential leaks early, which means fixing leaks can be easier and less expensive


Test the Pressure Release Valve 

It is important to test the pressure release valve regularly. Issues with the valve can cause pressure to build up to excessive levels in the tank, which may result in performance problems and in the most extreme cases, can cause the tank to explode. The pressure release valve should be on the top or side of the water heater – it will open automatically if the pressure is a bit too high. In order to test the valve, put a bucket just below the water heater’s discharge pipe. After this, gently lift the lever on the valve. It should release some water. If not, the valve should be replaced. 


Drain Sediments from the Tank 

Flushing the water tank and draining it of sediments is a vital water heater maintenance task—one that should be done once or twice a year. Allowing sediment to build up in the tank can reduce the water heater's efficiency and thus cause higher energy bills, as well as put additional strain on the system itself.   


To drain sediments from the tank, simply open the drain valve slowly with a bucket underneath. Draining two to three gallons of water should be enough to get rid of the sediments but continue draining until the water runs without any particles in it. 


HVAC technician inspecting a water heater.


Conduct General Inspections Regularly 

General inspections are a great first step when it comes to water heater maintenance. Some of the tasks to perform as part of the general inspection include checking: 


  • for potential leaks from the tank and the connecting pipes, 
  • for corrosion on any part of the tank or pipes, 
  • loose parts, and 
  • the settings of the thermostat (should be between 120°F and 140°F). 


Lower Temperature When Away 

Part of every water heater maintenance routine should include lowering the temperature when you are going to be away for any extended length of time, as it can help save on energy and reduce stress on the water heater system.  Many water heaters have a vacation function for this very reason – though you can always do it manually. In both cases, be sure to turn it back up when you return. 



Signs Your Water Heater Needs Attention 

Although regular water heater maintenance can help avoid many potential issues, there will still be cases in which your water heater will need attention. With this in mind, here are some of the major signs to look out for:   



If you notice any water spots on the floor or other signs of a leak in your home, including under the sinks, it may be a sign that there is a leak related to your water heater. You can conduct a visual inspection to see if you are able to find the source of the leak. Of course, whether you find the leak or not, a call to a licensed plumber for repair services is typically necessary. 


Foul-Smelling or Tasting Water 

There are several reasons you may be dealing with foul smelling or tasting water. One of these reasons is, of course, an issue with your water heater. Thus, if you are smelling rotten eggs when you run the tap or if the water tastes a bit metallic, be sure to check your water heater. Both can be signs of bacteria in the water. Another potential reason is that it is time for you to have the anode rod replaced


Water Discolouration 

Water discolouration, particularly when it is discoloured hot water, is an obvious sign that your water heater needs attention. In most cases, it is an indicator that you need to drain the water tank of sediments that have built up at the bottom of the tank. If doing so does not solve the issue, or if you are uncomfortable with performing this task, calling a licensed plumber is a great option. 


Inconsistent Water Temperature 

If your water heater is producing an inconsistent water temperature, such as if the temperature suddenly spikes during a shower or if hot water runs out quickly with no clear explanation, your water heater needs some attention. This symptom is most notable during a shower or bath, but the same result can be seen from any tap in your home – be sure to check them all and then call a plumber with thorough information on the issue. 


Unusual Noises 

Any kind of unusual noise, such as hissing, banging, clanking, and rumbling, coming from your water heater tank is a clear indicator that something is wrong. This particular sign that your water heater needs attention is one that often requires a licensed plumber to accurately diagnose and fix the issue. 


Hot to the Touch Tank 

If the tank is hot to the touch, it can indicate several potential issues with your water heater system, including: 


  • sediment buildup, 
  • ventilation problem, and 
  • too much insulation. 


While you may be able to drain sediment yourself if you are comfortable, calling a plumber for assistance is often recommended for a water heater tank that is too hot to comfortably touch. 


Do not hesitate to contact us for any of your HVAC or basic plumbing needs, including water heater maintenance and repairs. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out




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Spring Cleaning for Your HVAC System: Maintenance Tips

Woman sitting in living room area, surrounded by plants, looking through window.


The weather starting to warm up means spring is on the way – and so is the aptly named “spring cleaning.” For many, this simply means decluttering and deep cleaning their home, performing tasks like getting rid of clothes they no longer wear, dusting every surface, and even steaming their carpets.  


However, there is another vital task: spring cleaning for your HVAC system


Many consider HVAC systems to be the backbone of the home – and because of that, they require regular maintenance. The transition from winter to spring is perhaps the perfect time for one session of HVAC maintenance. 


In this blog, we’re uncovering why HVAC system maintenance is so important, how to prepare for spring HVAC maintenance, and tips on spring cleaning for your HVAC system.  


Do not hesitate to reach out for any of your HVAC needs, including HVAC system spring cleaning maintenance. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out



Why is HVAC System Maintenance Important? 

A functioning HVAC system is key to ensuring a home is heated in the winter, cooled in the summer, and well-ventilated throughout the entire year. Of course, to achieve this, an HVAC system must be well-maintained. To that end, here are the details on why HVAC system maintenance is so important: 


Extend Equipment Life 

Many HVAC systems can last anywhere between 15 to 25 years. This estimate is variable because several factors influence the useful equipment life of an HVAC system. One of the major factors, of course, is whether the system received regular maintenance. Ensuring your HVAC system is maintained on a regular basis, including receiving spring cleaning, can help extend the useful life of the equipment before it must be replaced


Boost Energy Efficiency 

An HVAC system that receives regular maintenance, including changing air filters and cleaning air ducts, will demonstrate increased energy efficiency. In other words, the HVAC system will not need to use nearly as much energy to perform its necessary tasks. This can translate into lower energy bills as well as a beneficial effect on the surrounding environment. 


Obtain Cost Savings 

As mentioned, a well-maintained HVAC system is more energy efficient, and this can result in lower energy bills. Ultimately, it means homeowners do not have to pay as much for the energy they use – they are using less! In addition to this, regular HVAC maintenance helps homeowners reduce the need for costly repairs to their HVAC system – especially emergency HVAC repairs


Create Consistent Comfort 

It is clear – one of the main functions of an HVAC system is to create consistent comfort within the home. Regular HVAC maintenance, including the tasks that make up spring cleaning for your HVAC system, helps the system achieve a comfortable temperature and overall environment more efficiently. The maintenance also ensures the HVAC system can maintain a comfortable indoor environment without much fuss. 


Reduce Need for Emergency Repairs 

As mentioned previously, engaging in regular HVAC maintenance helps reduce the need for emergency HVAC repairs. Not only does this help with cost savings, but it also ensures there is no lapse in the home’s comfortable indoor environment if an appointment cannot be immediately obtained.  


Maintain the Warranty 

Many appliances in the average home, including washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, and even ovens, have warranties attached to them – the same applies to your HVAC system. Every warranty has a set of rules that must be followed to ensure the warranty is valid and any claims are dealt with accordingly. A major part of most HVAC warranties is engaging in regular maintenance and necessary upgrades – not doing so, after all, can increase the risk of issues occurring.  



How to Prepare for Spring HVAC Maintenance 

Before the necessary spring HVAC maintenance can begin, every homeowner must prepare their HVAC system as best as they can. Here are the top 3 tasks you can do to prepare your HVAC system for spring cleaning:  


Uncover the Air Conditioner 

Before the winter hit, you should have covered up your air conditioning unit outside. Now that spring has arrived, it is time to uncover the unit. While you may not be turning on the air conditioning yet, summer won’t be too far after spring. The time between now and then is perfect to ensure your AC unit is in perfect working order – and this process starts with uncovering the unit. 


Woman changing thermostat temperature.


Adjust the Thermostat Settings 

Your thermostat will no longer need to keep your home at such a high temperature. Since the weather outside will now be more agreeable and the temperatures warmer, the air indoors will also rise. Ensure that you adjust the settings on your thermostat to reflect the changes in this weather and take some of the pressure off the heating components of your HVAC system. 


Cover the Heating Vents 

Everyone knows spring is a transition season – and so is the final of these three tips. When preparing for spring cleaning for your HVAC system, you should be sure to cover the heating vents in your home. As has been discussed, the temperature outdoors is heating up and you won’t need your HVAC system to heat your home until winter hits again. 



Key Tips for Spring Cleaning for your HVAC System  

Now that you have prepared your HVAC system for spring cleaning, it is time to get started. Here are the key tips to keep in mind with regards to HVAC system spring cleaning


Change Air Filters 

Standard practice dictates air filters in most HVAC systems need to be cleaned regularly and replaced every 45 to 90 days. Spring cleaning for your HVAC system should start with inspecting the state of your air filters and then changing them as necessary. Doing so will help ensure your HVAC system operates at peak efficiency throughout the spring and summer. 


Test AC Unit 

Since you will soon need your air conditioner to keep your home cool, spring cleaning for your HVAC system should include a test of your AC unit. This can help reveal if it is functioning normally or if there are any issues that may need to be addressed. 


Clear Area around AC Unit 

In addition to testing your AC unit, it is important to clean the area surrounding it. This may be debris from the winter or other clutter. In any case, clearing the area makes way for a licensed HVAC technician to come in and perform any preventative maintenance that may be required. 


Declutter the Home 

It may come as a surprise to some, but decluttering your home, the traditional form of spring cleaning, can help improve the function of your HVAC system.


The two key tasks that can be especially helpful in this regard are: 


  • Getting rid of unnecessary furniture (uncovering vents) and 
  • Dust every surface, corner, and vent (clear the home of allergens and increase air quality). 


Invest in a Smart Thermostat 

If you have not done so, spring cleaning is the perfect time to invest in a smart thermostat. There are many benefits to smart thermostats, including the programmable settings and increased energy efficiency they offer. Talk to an experienced HVAC technician about which one may be right for your home and needs. 


Inspect for Wear and Tear 

It is vital to inspect for wear and tear as part of spring cleaning for your HVAC system. Inspect everything you can easily access. Doing so can help reveal potential issues that may require the attention of a licensed HVAC technician. You may even be able to avoid costly emergency HVAC repairs a few months later if you identify an issue early and have it fixed. 


Clean Air Ducts 

There is perhaps no better time for duct cleaning than as part of your spring HVAC maintenance routine. A thorough duct cleaning will help your HVAC system operate at the highest possible efficiency. Remember, an efficient HVAC system uses less energy to perform the same tasks – resulting in reduced energy bills and a consistent comfortable temperature in the home. Be sure to call an experienced HVAC technician to help you out with this task. 


Schedule a Preventative Maintenance Appointment 

Regular preventative maintenance appointments for your HVAC system are a key component of ensuring it continues to operate efficiently and the risk of emergency HVAC repairs remains low. As part of spring cleaning for your HVAC system, be sure to schedule a preventative HVAC maintenance appointment with a licensed HVAC technician. They will be able to thoroughly examine your HVAC system, identify potential issues and fix them, as well as recommend potential upgrades to ensure your HVAC system.  


This way, it’s not only ready for the spring, but prepared for the foreseeable future. 


Do not hesitate to reach out for any of your HVAC needs, including HVAC system spring cleaning maintenance. Our experienced team of HVAC technicians is one phone call or email away, so don’t be afraid to reach out




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Vincent Afrouzi
Name: Vincent Afrouzi
Posts: 57
Last Post: July 10, 2024