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What Every Kitchener Homeowner Should Know About Kitec Plumbing

young man cutting tomatoes in the kitchen

If you live in Kitchener, it is quite possible that you have bought a home or are thinking of buying a home that was built between 1995-2007. Homes built during this period may contain a hidden danger: Kitec plumbing, which poses a serious risk of significant water damage.  


As a homeowner, it’s important to understand the effects Kitec plumbing may have on your house, and what you can do to stay on top of it.  


Here, we explain how to identify if you have Kitec plumbing in your household and its associated risks, along with the necessary steps to protect your home from water damage, and costly repairs. Let’s be proactive and save your current or future home from becoming an expensive inconvenience in the future.  


Advance Heading and Cooling is here to help. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your HVAC or plumbing needs, including 24/7 repairs. Our experienced team is just a phone call or email away! 


The History of Kitec Plumbing 

From 1995 to 2007, Kitec plumbing was installed in many homes in Kitchener and across Canada–the reason being that it was a cost-effective product that was easily installable compared to typical copper pipes.  


Kitec pipes were manufactured by IPEX Inc. and were purposely made to be marketed as a simpler, and more affordable way to install plumbing.  


Kitec plumbing incorporated many materials into their pipes, including metal, plastic, resin adhesives, and brass. The outer layers of the pipes are coloured bright orange for hot water lines and bright blue for cold water lines. Many homeowners and installers liked this approach as it made it easier to distinguish between the two. The materials used to structure the pipes provided a durable and flexible solution that made plumbing seem simpler at the time.  


Unfortunately, Kitec plumbing's affordability came at a high price: premature failure and costly repairs. Copper piping, while more expensive upfront, proved to be a far wiser investment in the long run.  


In the beginning, Kitec plumbing was well-received and seemingly made good on its promises. However, it didn’t take long for Kitec plumbing to start having issues. After a while, homeowners who used Kitec plumbing found that their pipes were corroding, leading to significant damage to their plumbing.  


Due to the volume of these issues, Kitec decided to recall their products in 2005. As of now, homeowners who have never replaced their Kitec plumbing are at risk of costly water damage repairs. 


plumbing professional fixing kitchen sink


Identifying Kitec Plumbing in Your Household 

Not sure how to identify Kitec plumbing in your current or future home? We have the answers to help you take preventative action.  


One of the only beneficial aspects of Kitec piping is its noticeable colouring: bright orange for hot water and bright blue for cold water lines. Knowing when your home was built, or when piping was installed can also determine if you have Kitec plumbing. Once you’ve found these pipes, you will also see the label ASTM 1281, which proves its identity.  


You may be wondering where to look for Kitec pipes in your house. Common places you can look for the tell-tale colours and labels are:  

  • Near your water heater

  • Under your kitchen sink 

  • In the bathroom

These are the most accessible areas to find out if you have Kitec plumbing.  


Kitec Plumbing Identifiers 

  • Colour: Bright orange pipes for hot water and blue pipes for cold water. 

  • Label: The ASTM 1281 is printed on the outside of the pipes.  

  • Year: Kitec piping installations were present in Kitchener homes between 1995 and 2007. 

Your water heater is a good starting point for a plumbing inspection. It's often the most accessible place to check what type of pipes are installed in your house. If you’re still unsure, the kitchen sink or bathroom are other places to examine.  


If you think you may have Kitec plumbing in your house, and you’re still unsure, it may be best to consult a licensed plumber. Our professionals can accurately define Kitec pipes and help you take action to protect your home from future plumbing issues. 


Problems and Risks Associated with Kitec Plumbing 

Even though Kitec plumbing was viewed as a less expensive and practical option when it was first introduced, it eventually came with its own set of challenges.  


One of the main issues reported is that Kitec pipes and brass fittings are prone to corrosion. The brass fittings may have seemed like a durable option at the time, but their high levels of zinc reacted with the composition of the pipes and caused a build-up of zinc oxide. This buildup limited proper water flow and weakened the fittings.  


Additionally, the pipes were prone to corroding on their own. Kitec used an aluminum layer in their piping, inadvertently causing water to react with other elements, leading to deterioration in a shorter amount of time. The combination of corrosion and the expansion and contraction of plastic and aluminum layers from temperature changes eventually caused the pipes to burst.  


Recognizing the potential for extensive damage from plumbing failures is key to preventing these costly issues.  

  • Burst pipes can lead to extreme water damage, and expensive repairs, which end up costing more than replacing your plumbing system entirely. 

  • Water damage can affect the structure of your home, ruining walls, floors, carpets, furniture, and valuable possessions.  

  • Chronic leaks can run up your water bill and harbour mold, which puts you and your family members at risk of serious health problems, especially those with breathing problems and allergies.  

Given these negative consequences, it is important to address these plumbing issues head-on. Don't wait for Kitec plumbing to wreak havoc on your life. Replacing it now provides peace of mind and eliminates the worry of future damage, health risks, and costly repairs. 


Financial Impact and Legal Aspects of Kitec Plumbing 


Financial Impact 

Without taking preventative measures, replacing Kitec plumbing can be quite costly. Depending on the size of your home, expenses can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands. With this information, you have the power to save yourself a hefty bill.  


Investing in new plumbing largely outweighs the potential costs of damage done to your home, and replacement costs combined. Water damage can lead to expensive household repairs, structural problems, ruined possessions, and the need for mold removal. Now that you are aware of the risks Kitec plumbing may cause, it is in your best interest to replace your plumbing sooner than later, to maintain the integrity of your home.  


Legal Aspects 

A class-action lawsuit resulting in a $125 million settlement against Kitec’s manufacturer, IPEX Inc. was a way for affected homeowners to receive compensation for the damages their homes endured. Unfortunately, as of now, the deadline to file a claim against IPEX has passed. 


With insurance, however, homeowners who were affected by Kitec’s faulty plumbing may be able to cover the cost of a Kitec plumbing replacement to avoid future water damage expenses.  


Contractors may also be held accountable. If your contractor failed to disclose that Kitec plumbing was recalled in 2007, then there may be an option to receive financial compensation. Review your insurance policy and discuss with a legal representative if these aspects apply to you. 


Steps to Take if You Have Kitec Plumbing 

If you suspect your home has Kitec plumbing, taking action as soon as possible is the best way to prevent future hassles. Here are the steps you should take: 


1.Confirm Your Home has Kitec Plumbing  

Look for the bright orange and blue colouring, and the ASTM 1281 label to see if the year your plumbing was installed was between 1995 and 2007. Once you have confirmed, or you’re still wondering if you have Kitec plumbing, you can hire our licensed and certified plumbers to inspect your pipes.  


2.Get a Risk Assessment 

Having a plumber evaluate the current condition of your pipes by determining signs of corrosion and wear will provide you with answers on the urgency of replacing your plumbing. Pipes and fittings that are in poor condition are warned with immediate action to prevent a potential burst. 


3.Understand the Costs of Replacement 

Investing in proper plumbing can save you big bucks. Discussing with our plumbers about the costs of Kitec plumbing replacement based on your home's size is a necessary step to avoid added expenses associated with water damage and mold remediation.  


4.Know When to Shut Off Your Water 

In the event of a pipe burst or a leak, knowing how to shut off your household water main is a crucial action to minimize damage. To shut off your water supply, find the location of your main shut-off valve and turn the water off. Letting your family members know about this procedure can reduce risks, especially when you're not home.  


man and women standing while viewing a clipboard


5.Create a Maintenance Schedule 

Regularly checking your plumbing system allows you to stay on top of any minor issues. Minor leaks or long-term wear can affect plumbing fixtures, hoses, valves, and brackets. Stay on top of your plumbing to avoid irreversible damage.  


By determining whether you have Kitec plumbing and facing the issues it presents head-on, you can proactively avoid a significant headache. Understanding the risks, replacing old plumbing, and regularly inspecting your plumbing are preventable ways to maintain the upkeep of your home. To learn more about your household’s plumbing, contact Advance Heating and Cooling for our expertise in reliable plumbing services. 



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Time to Replace Your AC Unit? Signs to Watch for This Summer

Woman sitting on couch with a fan, looking tired and overheated.


There's nothing quite like the summer heat—it's humid, powerful, and makes you feel good... most of the time. Its direct counterpart is the feeling of walking into a cool, air-conditioned home—but what do you do if your AC unit fails you? Let's explore that.


It's easy to rely on your AC unit, but even great units can hit snags and fail out. It's important to recognize the signs that your AC unit could be close to giving out, otherwise, you could be missing out on some much-needed comfort of a cool home. Not to mention, recognizing issues beforehand can save you on potentially costly AC Unit repairs.


In this blog, the experts at Advance Heating and Cooling will show you some key indicators that it's time to replace or repair your AC unit and explain the perks of investing in a new system.


Signs Indicating It's Time to Replace Your Air Conditioning Unit

Let's explore the unmistakable signals that suggest it's time to upgrade your air conditioning system.


Remember, not every situation is going to be reflective of one or even every one of these examples; if you notice something is up, have a professional come in and do an assessment to diagnose the problem. The quicker you know what's wrong, the quicker you can fix it. 


HVAC technician inspecting the AC unit.


Declining Cooling Performance

Do you notice it takes surprisingly long for your AC unit to cool your house to your desired temperature? Or that it struggles to maintain that temperature on a consistent basis?


Unfortunately, this struggle to keep your home cool and comfy can indicate underlying issues with your AC unit, ranging from complications such as ageing components, refrigerant leaks, or insufficient maintenance.


If you notice this is a reoccurring issue, it's time to talk to a specialist.    


Frequent Breakdowns

So... have you been constantly finding yourself constantly having to call technicians to fix your AC? Now, don’t get us wrong, occasional repairs are normal. However, frequent system failures and increasing repair costs can indicate your unit is nearing the end of its life.  AC units, like most products, have shelf life and will inevitably require repair or replacement, and, sometimes, putting a Band-Aid on a big issue won’t help you if the issue requires a full overhaul. This is a scenario where buying a new unit could save you time and money in the long run.


Do you need help determining whether your AC unit needs repairs or replacements? Don't leave it up to chance—trust the experts at Advance Heating and Cooling. Air conditioning can account for a significant amount of your utility bills per month. It's best to ensure that all your HVAC equipment is in tip-top shape so you can enjoy a comfortable home environment while saving money.  


Lucky for you, Advance Heating and Cooling install and service HVAC equipment for both residential and commercial use across the Waterloo Region and more! Don’t leave it to chance, you can trust the experts at Advance Heating and Cooling to get the job done. Contact us today.


Ever-rising Energy Bills

Have you noticed that despite not using more energy... that your bill is suspiciously increasing? This is a clear-cut sign when it comes to inefficient AC units.


While upgrading to a new unit seems daunting, you could end up saving yourself money in the long run by reducing your energy usage and optimizing with a newer, more efficient unit. Not only this, but you'll also be able to cut energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint in the process. Who doesn't like to do right by the environment? Future generations will thank you.  


Air conditioning units can significantly increase electricity consumption, increasing bills for several Canadians. Across the nation, the average annual electricity costs rose by 3.8% in 2022 compared to 2021, with the most notable spikes recorded in Saskatchewan (+12.3%), Alberta (+9.8%), and Prince Edward Island (+5.7%).


Do You Know How Old Your AC Unit Is?

It’s good to have an idea about how old your current unit is, as well as the last time it was most recently serviced.


Usually, the average unit has a lifespan of 10-15 years, depending on several factors; if you find that your unit is exceeding its life expectancy, you might be in for a full replacement.


Newer models come with improved performance and longevity due to modern technological advancements. Talk to a specialist to get the most bang for your buck.


Pay Attention to Unusual Noise and Odours

Have you ever been woken up to clanking, grinding, or unpleasantly odd odours? Perhaps fortunately and unfortunately, it’s not likely a ghost–it could be an indicator of internal damage or mold within your AC unit.


It’s important that if you catch a whiff of these issues, you need to address them quickly to make sure you’re maintaining good indoor air quality and avoiding additional damage.


You Notice Poor Air Quality

If your home feels stuffy despite running the AC, it could be due to poor indoor air quality caused by an old or malfunctioning unit. Upgrading to a new AC with advanced filtration systems can help alleviate this issue.


Your Home has Uneven Cooling

Consistently warmer or cooler rooms may point to problems with your AC's distribution system or ductwork. Upgrading to a unit with improved airflow and zoning capabilities can ensure consistent comfort throughout your home.


Your AC Is Too Large or Too Small for Your Space

The Government of Canada reports that "oversizing is clearly detrimental to comfort, cost of operation and equipment performance" when it comes to operating an AC unit. An oversized AC unit could lower your house and office temperatures too fast, without removing excess humidity the space to become cool and damp. This can cause the growth of mold, as well as stains on the ceiling, walls, and floors, along with musty smells. As well, an undersized unit won't be able to keep up with cooling needs during hot summer days.


Your AC Unit Produces Excessive Noise and Dust

The constant presence of dust around your space, even after a good cleaning, is a clear indicator that there's leaks going on in your ductwork. Those leaks compromise the efficiency of your AC unit and can increase operating costs. If you notice that your AC unit is excessively loud and noisy, there's also a good chance that your duct system isn't big enough for the square-footage of the space. There's also a high probability that you have an issue with the unit's indoor coil - meaning you're going to need professional help.


Other Considerations to Take to Heart

When considering an upgrade, it's not just about staying cool; it's about enjoying a range of benefits such as improved energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, reduced maintenance costs, and peace of mind. Make sure to choose a unit that's appropriately sized, energy-efficient, and equipped with the features you need for optimal performance. Professional AC installation and maintenance services are crucial for ensuring a seamless transition and maximizing the lifespan of your new AC unit.


Making the Right Choice with Advance Heating and Cooling

When it comes down to choosing the right AC unit replacement, you need to rely on the help of professionals. The pros at Advance Heating and Cooling have made it our mission to provide fast, efficient service with a budget in mind. The team has built a strong relationship with our clientele based on our ability to innovate and continue to invest in the latest technology to make sure our service is always top-notch.


Advance Heating and Cooling understands that it can be very overwhelming and confusing when it comes to choosing a new AC unit. Our team of HVAC professionals are experienced, highly professional and devoted to giving you the best quality product.


Working with Advance Heating and Cooling provides you with a team of professionals who provide the best level of service in the industry. We have the best technology available to address all your HVAC needs. So, before you commit to repairing and replacing your AC unit, make a call to our team at Advance Heating and Cooling today so we can discuss the best options for you.




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Vincent Afrouzi
Name: Vincent Afrouzi
Posts: 57
Last Post: July 10, 2024